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B Chentouf, Z Han ,On the stabilization of an overhead crane system with dynamic and delayed boundary conditions,IEEE TRANSACTION ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL,2020
L Wang, Z Gao, X Zhou, Z Han,Exponential stabilization of a star-shaped thermoelastic network system based on the extended state observer with time-varying gains,IEEE TRANSACTION ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL,2020
Sire Yannick,Wei Juncheng and Zheng Youquan,Infinite time blow-up for half-harmonic map flow from R into S1,American Journal of Mathematics,2020
del Pino Manuel,Musso Monica,Wei Juncheng and Zheng Youquan,Sign-changing blowing-up solutions for the critical nonlinear heat equation,Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze,2020
Xue Yang, Qi Zhang*, Tusheng Zhang,Reflected Backward Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in a Convex Domain,Stochastic Processes and their Applications,2020
Keiji Oguiso and Xun Yu,Minimum positive entropy of complex Enriques surface automorphisms, Duke Mathematical Journal,2020
Hu, Yuanyang;Hao, Xinan;Song, Xianfa;Du, Yihong,A free boundary problem for spreading under shifting climate, Journal of Differential Equations,2020
Zhenzhen Feng, Zhixin Liu and Jing Ma,,On exceptional sets of biquadratic Waring-Goldbach problem, Journal of Number Theory,JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY,2020
Ma Xiao-Xiao, Zheng Meng-Meng, Huang Zheng-Hai,A note on the nonemptiness and compactness of solution sets of weakly homogeneous variational inequalities,SIAM Journal on Optimization,2020
Zhong-Jie Han, Boumediene Chentouf (*) and Huan Geng,Stabilization of a rotating disk-beam system with infinite memory via minimal state variable: a moment control case,SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,2020
Li, Kangwei; Martell, José María; Ombrosi, Sheldy,Extrapolation for multilinear Muckenhoupt classes and applications,ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS,2020
Rao, Sheng; Yang, Song; Yang, Xiangdong,Dolbeault cohomologies of blowing up complex manifolds II: Bundle-valued case,JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES,2020
Jiang, Renjin; Lin, Fanghua,Riesz transform under perturbations via heat kernel regularity,JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES,2020
Lin, Ping; Liu, Hanbing; Wang, Gengsheng,Output feedback stabilization for heat equations with sampled-data controls,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2020
Bai, Ruobing; Wu, Yifei; Xue, Jun,Optimal small data scattering for the generalized derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equations,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2020
Coulhon, Thierry; Jiang, Renjin; Koskela, Pekka; Sikora, Adam,Gradient estimates for heat kernels and harmonic functions,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS,2020
Di Plinio, Francesco; Li, Kangwei; Martikainen, Henri; Vuorinen, Emil,Multilinear operator-valued Calderón-Zygmund theory,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS,2020
Sang, Doris D. M.; Shi, Diane Y. H.; Yee, Ae Ja,Parity considerations in Rogers-Ramanujan-Gordon type overpartitions,JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY,2020
Guo, Zihua; Ning, Cui; Wu, Yifei,Instability of the solitary wave solutions for the generalized derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the critical frequency case,MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS,2020
Dai, Song; Li, Qiongling,On cyclic Higgs bundles,MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN,2020
Fan, Neil J. Y.; Guo, Peter L.; Peng, Simon C. Y.; Sun, Sophie C. C.,Lattice points in the Newton polytopes of key polynomials,SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2020
Li, Bing; Ohta, Masahito; Wu, Yifei; Xue, Jun,Instability of the solitary waves for the generalized Boussinesq equations,SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS,2020
Fan, Xiequan; Grama, Ion; Liu, Quansheng; Shao, Qi-Man,Self-normalized Cramér type moderate deviations for stationary sequences and applications,STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,2020
Author links open overlay panelWeisongDong,Second order estimates for complex Hessian equations with gradient terms on both sides,Journal of Differential Equations,2020
Sun, Xiaotao,Stratified bundles and representation spaces,ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS,2019
Grothaus, Martin; Wang, Feng-Yu,Weak Poincaré inequalities for convergence rate of degenerate diffusion processes,ANNALS OF PROBABILITY,2019
Wang, Zhi-Qiang; Zhang, Chengxiang,Convergence from power-law to logarithm-law in nonlinear scalar field equations,ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS,2019
Wu, Jie; Zhang, Liqun,Backward uniqueness for general parabolic operators in the whole space,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2019
Chen, Ren-Yu; Li, Song-Ying,Graham type theorem on classical bounded symmetric domains,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2019
Zhao, Hui; Shen, Yang; Zeng, Yan; Zhang, Wenjun,Robust equilibrium excess-of-loss reinsurance and CDS investment strategies for a mean-variance insurer with ambiguity aversion,INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS,2019
Tian, Wenyi; Yuan, Xiaoming,An accelerated primal-dual iterative scheme for the L2-TV regularized model of linear inverse problems,INVERSE PROBLEMS,2019
Rao, Sheng; Yang, Song; Yang, Xiangdong,Dolbeault cohomologies of blowing up complex manifolds,JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES,2019
Wang, Gengsheng; Wang, Ming; Zhang, Can; Zhang, Yubiao,Observable set, observability, interpolation inequality and spectral inequality for the heat equation in Rn ,JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES,2019
Li, Huaiqian; Luo, Dejun,Quantitative stability estimates for Fokker-Planck equations,JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES,2019
He, Thomas Y.; Ji, Kathy Q.; Wang, Allison Y. F.; Zhao, Alice X. H.,An overpartition analogue of the Andrews-Göllnitz-Gordon theorem,JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A,2019
Ren, Panpan; Wang, Feng-Yu,Bismut formula for Lions derivative of distribution dependent SDEs and applications,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2019
Yan, Jun,Dependence of eigenvalues on the diffusion operators with random jumps from the boundary,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2019
Dai, Song; Li, Qiongling,Minimal surfaces for Hitchin representations ,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY,2019
Chen, Shaowei; Liu, Jiaquan; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,Localized nodal solutions for a critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS,2019
Wang, Feng-Yu,Identifying constant curvature manifolds, Einstein manifolds, and Ricci parallel manifolds,JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS,2019
Jiu, Lin; Shi, Diane Yahui ,Orthogonal polynomials and connection to generalized Motzkin numbers for higher-order Euler polynomials,JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY,2019
Wang, Gengsheng; Wang, Ming; Zhang, Yubiao,Observability and unique continuation inequalities for the Schrödinger equation,JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY,2019
Tian, Wenyi; Yuan, Xiaoming,An alternating direction method of multipliers with a worst-case O(1/n2) convergence rate,MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION,2019
Musso, Monica; Sire, Yannick; Wei, Juncheng; Zheng, Youquan; Zhou, Yifu,Infinite time blow-up for the fractional heat equation with critical exponent,MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN,2019
Shao, Jinghai; Xi, Fubao ,Stabilization of regime-switching processes by feedback control based on discrete time observations II: State-dependent case,SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION,2019
Huang, Xing; Wang, Feng-Yu,Distribution dependent SDEs with singular coefficients,STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,2019
Bao, Jianhai; Wang, Feng-Yu; Yuan, Chenggui ,Asymptotic log-Harnack inequality and applications for stochastic systems of infinite memory,STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,2019
Shao, Jinghai,The existence of geodesics in Wasserstein spaces over path groups and loop groups,STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,2019
Yang, Xue; Zhang, Jing,The obstacle problem for quasilinear stochastic PDEs with degenerate operator,STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,2019
Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Qingfang; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,On coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems with mixed couplings,TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY,2019
Xu, Cheng-Zhong; Xu, Gen Qi ,Saturated boundary feedback stabilization of a linear wave equation,SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION,2019
Grigor'yan, Alexander; Hu, Eryan; Hu, Jiaxin,Two-sided estimates of heat kernels of jump type Dirichlet forms,ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS,2018
Gan, Zaihui; He, Yong; Meng, Linghui,Large time behavior and convergence for the Camassa-Holm equations with fractional Laplacian viscosity,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2018
Wang, Zhi-Qiang; Zhang, Xu,An infinite sequence of localized semiclassical bound states for nonlinear Dirac equations,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2018
Ghoussoub, Nassif; Robert, Frédéric; Shakerian, Shaya; Zhao, Mingfeng,Mass and asymptotics associated to fractional Hardy-Schrödinger operators in critical regimes,COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2018
Wang, Suxin; Lu, Yi; Sanders, Barbara,Optimal investment strategies and intergenerational risk sharing for target benefit pension plans,INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS,2018
Le Coz, Stefan; Wu, Yifei,Stability of multisolitons for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation,INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES,2018
Peng, Xing,On the decomposition of random hypergraphs,JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B,2018
Huang, Xing; Wang, Feng-Yu,Degenerate SDEs with singular drift and applications to Heisenberg groups,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2018
Zhang, Xu; Xia, Jiankang,Semi-classical solutions for Schrödinger-Poisson equations with a critical frequency,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2018
Byeon, Jaeyoung; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,On the Hénon equation with a Neumann boundary condition: asymptotic profile of ground states,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS,2018
Liu, Zhixin,Small prime solutions of a nonlinear equation,JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY,2018
Ji, Kathy Q.; Zhang, Helen W. J.; Zhao, Alice X. H.,Ranks of overpartitions modulo 6 and 10,JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY,2018
Wang, Feng-Yu,Estimates for invariant probability measures of degenerate SPDEs with singular and path-dependent drifts,PROBABILITY THEORY AND RELATED FIELDS,2018
Shao, Jinghai,Invariant measures and Euler-Maruyama's approximations of state-dependent regime-switching diffusions,SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION,2018
Huang, Harry H. Y.; Wang, Larry X. W.,The corners of core partitions ,SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2018
Ma, Jie; Ning, Bo,Coloring graphs with two odd cycle lengths,SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2018
Chang, Huibin; Lou, Yifei; Duan, Yuping; Marchesini, Stefano,Total variation-based phase retrieval for Poisson noise removal,SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGINS SCIENCES,2018
Nie, Jiawang; Yang, Zi; Zhang, Xinzhen,A complete semidefinite algorithm for detecting copositive matrices and tensors,SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION,2018
Wang, Feng-Yu,Distribution dependent SDEs for Landau type equations,STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,2018
Chen, William Y. C.;Fu, Amy M.,Context-free grammars for permutations and increasing trees,ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2017
Wu, Jiahong; Wu, Yifei,Global small solutions to the compressible 2D magnetohydrodynamic system without magnetic diffusion,ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS,2017
Wang, Feng-Yu,Integrability conditions for SDEs and semilinear SPDEs,ANNALS OF PROBABILITY,2017
Jiang, Renjin; Kauranen, Aapo,Korn's inequality and John domains,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2017
Chen, Shaowei; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,Localized nodal solutions of higher topological type for semiclassical nonlinear Schrödinger equations,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2017
Shen, Ruipeng,Scattering of solutions to the defocusing energy subcritical semi-linear wave equation in 3D,COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2017
Fang, Teng; Fang, Xin Gui; Xia, Binzhou; Zhou, Sanming,Vertex-imprimitive symmetric graphs with exactly one edge between any two distinct blocks,JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A,2017
Chen, Zhen-Qing; Hu, Eryan; Xie, Longjie; Zhang, Xicheng,Heat kernels for non-symmetric diffusion operators with jumps,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2017
Lin, Tai-Chia; Wang, Xiaoming; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,Orbital stability and energy estimate of ground states of saturable nonlinear Schrödinger equations with intensity functions in R2,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2017
Ning, Cui; Ohta, Masahito; Wu, Yifei,Instability of solitary wave solutions for derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in endpoint case,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2017
Wang, Feng-Yu,Hypercontractivity and applications for stochastic Hamiltonian systems,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS,2017
Chen, Shaowei; Liu, Zhaoli; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,A variant of Clark's theorem and its applications for nonsmooth functionals without the Palais-Smale condition,SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS,2017
,Global existence and finite time blow-up of solutions of a Gierer-Meinhardt system, J. Differential Equations,2017
Aksoy, Sinan; Chung, Fan; Peng, Xing,Extreme values of the stationary distribution of random walks on directed graphs,ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2016
Wu, Jie; Zhang, Liqun,The Landis-Oleinik conjecture in the exterior domain,ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS,2016
Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Yan-fang; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,On elliptic systems with Sobolev critical growth,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2016
Ding, Yanheng; Li, Jiongyue; Xu, Tian,Bifurcation on compact spin manifold,CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2016
Tian, Wenyi; Yuan, Xiaoming, Linearized primal-dual methods for linear inverse problems with total variation regularization and finite element discretization,INVERSE PROBLEMS,2016
Byeon, Jaeyoung; Sato, Yohei; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,Pattern formation via mixed attractive and repulsive interactions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems,JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES,2016
Liu, Jiaquan; Liu, Xiangqing; Wang, Zhi-Qiang,Sign-changing solutions for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with critical growth,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2016
Shen, Ruipeng,A semi-linear energy critical wave equation with an application,JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,2016
Hou, Qing-Hu; Jin, Hai-Tao; Mu, Yan-Ping; Zhang, Li,Congruences on the number of restricted m-ary partitions,JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY,2016
Chen, William Y. C.; Wang, Larry X. W.; Xie, Gary Y. B.,Finite differences of the logarithm of the partition function,MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION,2016
Chen, William Y. C.; Guo, Alan J. X.; Guo, Peter L.; Huang, Harry H. Y.; Liu, Thomas Y. H. ,s-inversion sequences and P-partitions of type B,SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2016
Chung, Fan; Peng, Xing,Decomposition of random graphs into complete bipartite graphs,SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2016
Guo, Bao-Zhu; Yu, Huaiqiang,Optimal state estimation for non-time invertible evolutionary systems,SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION,2016
J Nie, X Zhang,Positive maps and separable matrices, SIAM Journal on Optimization,2016
Chen Yan-Hong,Liu Chungen and Zheng Youquan,Existence results for the fractional Nirenberg problem,Journal of Functional Analysis,2016
Mengwei Xu, Jane J. Ye and Liwei Zhang,Smoothing SQP methods for solving degenerate nonsmooth constrained optimization problems with applications to bilevel programs, SIAM Journal on Optimization,2015
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