1.Zheng-Hai Huang and Liqun Qi, Formulating an n-person noncooperative game as a tensor complementarity problem, Computational Optimization and Applications, 66(2017): 557-576.
2.Zhang Xinzhen, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Qi Liqun, Common's conjecture, rank decomposition, and symmetric rank decomposition of symmetric tensors, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 37(4) (2016): 1719-1728. (SCI: EH6BL)
3.Shi Xianjun, Yang Lei, and Huang Zheng-Hai, A fixed point method for the linear complementarity problem arising from American option pricing, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 32(4) (2016): 921-932. (SCI: EB6HE)
4.Zhi-Ming Li, Zheng-Hai Huang, Ting Zhang, Gabor-scale binary pattern for face recognition, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Vol. 14, No. 5 (2016) 1650035 (22 pages). (SCI: DW7BR)
5.Li Zhi-Ming, Zheng-Hai Huang, Shang Kun, A customized sparse representation model withmixed norm for undersampled face recognition, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11(10) (2016): 2203-2214. (SCI: DU4FK)
6.Bai Xue-Li, Huang Zheng-Hai, Wang Yong, Global uniqueness and solvability for tensor complementarity problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 170 (2016): 72-84. (SCI: DP9UE)
7.Wang Yong, Huang Zheng-Hai, Bai Xue-Li, Exceptionally regular tensors and complementarity problems, Optimization Methods & Software, 31(4) (2016): 815-828. (SCI: DN5XQ)
8.Yang Lei, Huang Zheng-Hai, Hu Shenglong, Han Jiye, An iterative algorithm for third-order tensor multi-rank minimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 63 (2016): 169-202. (SCI: DE3WB)
9.Ding Ru-Xi, Du Daniel K., Huang Zheng-Hai, Li Zhi-Ming,Shang Kun, Variational feature representation-based classificationfor face recognition with single sample per person, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 30 (2015): 35-45. (SCI: CM5XI)
10.Li Yu-Fan, Huang Zheng-Hai, Zhang Min, Entropy function-based algorithms for solving a classof nonconvex minimization problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 3 (2015): 441-458.
11.Zhang Min, Huang Zheng-Hai, Li Yufan, The sparsest solution to the system of absolute value equations, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 3 (2015): 31-51.
12.Huang Zheng-Hai, Li Wen-Juan, Shang Jin, Wang Jun, Zhang Ting, Non-uniform patch based face recognition via 2D-DWT, Image and Vision Computing, 37 (May 2015): 12-19. (SCI:CI8NK)
13.13. Zhang Min, Huang Zheng-Hai, Conditions for the equivalence between the low-n-ranktensor recovery problem and its convex relaxation, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 11(2) (April 2015): 365-383. (SCI: CJ1KE)
14.Zhang Min, Yang Lei, Huang Zheng-Hai, Minimum $n$-rank approximation via iterative hard thresholding, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 256 (April 2015): 860-875. (SCI: CB9UR)
15.Huang Zheng-Hai, Li Wen-Juan, Wang Jun, Zhang Ting, Face recognition based on pixel-level and feature-level fusion of the top-level's wavelet sub-bands, Information Fusion, 22 (March 2015): 95-104. (SCI: AR5IS)
16.Yang Lei, Huang Zheng-Hai, Li Yu-Fan, A splitting augmented Lagrangian method for low multilinear-rank tensor recovery, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 32(1) (FEB 2015) 1540008 (25 pages), (SCI: CB0GZ)
17.Gu Wei-Zhe, Huang Zheng-Hai, A homogeneous smoothing-type algorithm for symmetric cone linear programs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 30(3) (JUN 2014): 647-662. (SCI: AO6LE)
18.Lu Liangfu, Huang Zheng-Hai, Mohammed A. Ambusaidi and Gou Kui-Xiang, A large-scale network data analysis via sparse and low rank reconstruction,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 323764, 10 pages,(SCI: AJ2DR)
19.Lu Nan and Huang Zheng-Hai, A smoothing Newton algorithm for a class of non-monotonic symmetric cone linear complementarity problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 61(2) (May 2014): 446-464. (SCI: AF1WG)
20.Li Yu-Fan, Zhang Yan-Jiao, Huang Zheng-Hai, A reweighted nuclear norm minimization algorithm for low rank matrix recovery, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 263 (JUN 2014): 338-350. (SCI: AB9SF)
21.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Qi Liqun, Strictly nonnegative tensors and nonnegative tensor partition, Sci China Math, 57(1) (JAN 2014): 181-195. (SCI: 290YC)
22.Zheng-Hai Huang, Guihua Lin and Naihua Xiu, Several developments of variational inequalities and complementarity problems, bilevel programming and MPEC, Operations Research Transactions, 18(1) (March 2014): 113-133.
23.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Qi Liqun, Finding the extreme Z-eigenvalues of tensors via a sequential SDPs method, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 20(6) (DEC 2013): 972-984. (SCI: 297GR)
24.Lu Nan and Huang Zheng-Hai, The Holder continuity of Lowner's operator in Euclidean Jordan algebras, Optimization Letters, 7(8) (2013): 1691-1699. (SCI: 258DO)
25.Zhang Min, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Zhang Ying, Restricted p-isometry properties of nonconvex matrix recovery, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59(7) (July 2013): 4316-4323. (SCI: 184XB)
26.Yang Lei, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Shi Xianjun, A fixed point iterative method for low n-rank tensor pursuit, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(11) (JUN 2013): 2952-2962. (SCI: 153HQ)
27.Lu Nan and Huang Zheng-Hai, Three classes of merit functions for the complementarity problem over a closed convex cone, Optimization, 62(4) (APR 2013): 545-560. (SCI: 133PT)
28.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai,Ling Chen, and Qi Liqun, On determinants and eigenvalue theory of tensors, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 50 (MAR 2013): 508-531. (SCI: 057OX)
29.Hu Sheng-Long and Huang Zheng-Hai, Theorems of the alternative for inequality systems of real polynomials, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 154(1) (July 2012): 1-16. (SCI: 958WP)
30.Wang Xing, Xu Dachuan, and Huang Zheng-Hai,Fault-tolerant concave facility location problem with uniform requirments, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 28(3) (July 2012): 475-484. (SCI: 956YY)
31.Hu Sheng-Long and Huang Zheng-Hai, A note on approximating quadratic programming with rank constraint, Optimization, 61(5) (APR 2012): 525-534. (SCI: 945LJ)
32.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, Li Hong-Yan, and Qi Liqun, Positive Definiteness of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 6(1) (FEB 2012): 57-75.
33.Huang Zheng-Hai and Lu Nan, Global and global linear convergence of a smoothing algorithm for the Cartesian P_*(k)-SCLCP, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 8(1) (JAN 2012): 67-86.
34.Hu Sheng-Long and Huang Zheng-Hai, Alternating direction method for bi-quadratic programming, Journal of Global Optimization, 51(3) (2011): 429-446. (SCI:824BP)
35.Chen Jein-Shan, Huang Zheng-Hai, and She Chin-Yu, A new class of penalized NCP-functions and its properties, Computational Optimization and Applications, 50 (2011): 49-73. (SCI: 798VI)
36.Miao Xin-He and Huang Zheng-Hai, GUS-property for Lorentz cone linear complementarity problems on Hilbert spaces, Science in China (Series A), 54(6) (2011): 1259-1268. (SCI: 790TO)
37.Zhao Na and Huang Zheng-Hai, A nonmonotone smoothing Newton algorithm for solving box constrained variational inequalities with a P0 function, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 7(2) (May 2011): 467-482. (SCI: 764GF)
38.Huang Zheng-Hai and Liu Xiao-Hong, Extension of smoothing Newton algorithm to solve linear programming over symmetric cones, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 24(1) (FEB 2011): 195-206. (SCI: 729LD)
39.Lu Nan and Huang Zheng-Hai, Solvability of Newton equations in smoothing-type algorithms for the SOCCP, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(8) (MAR 2011): 2270-2276. (SCI:725JY)
40.Miao Xin-He and Huang Zheng-Hai, The column-sufficiency and row-sufficiency of the linear transformation on Hilbert spaces, Journal of Global Optimization, 49(1) (JAN 2011): 109-123. (SCI: 692LT)
41.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Zhang Qiong, A generalized Newton method for absolute value equations associated with second order cones, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(5) (JAN 2011): 1490-1501. (SCI: 682GP)
42.Lu Li-Yong, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Hu Sheng-Long, Properties of a family of merit functions and a merit method for the NCP, AppliedMathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 25(4) (DEC 2010): 379-390. (SCI: 692ZC)
43.Zhao Na and Huang Zheng-Hai, Finite termination of a Newton-type algorithm for a class of affine variational inequality problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (1) (DEC 2010): 3368-3378. (SCI: 670QM)
44.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Lu Nan, Smoothness of a class of merit functions for the second-order cone complementarity problem, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 6(3) (SEP 2010): 551-571. (SCI: 663XU)
45.Lu Nan and Huang Zheng-Hai, Convergence of a non-interior continuation algorithm for the monotone SCCP, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 26(4) (OCT 2010): 543-556. (SCI: 655WH)
46.Hu Sheng-Long and Huang Zheng-Hai, Polynomial time solvability of non-symmetric semidefinite programming, Operations Research Letters, 38(5) (SEP 2010): 358-360. (SCI: 657ZM)
47.Hu Sheng-Long and Huang Zheng-Hai, A note on absolute value equations, Optimization Letters, 4(3) (AUG 2010): 417-424. (SCI: 622BG)
48.Huang Zheng-Hai and Ni Tie, Smoothing algorithms for complementarity problems over symmetric cones, Computational Optimization and Applications, 45(3) (APR 2010): 557-579. (SCI: 568QP)
49.Zhang Yin and Huang Zheng-Hai, A non-monotone smoothing-type algorithm for solving a system of equalities and inequalities, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 233(9) (MAR 2010): 2312-2321. (SCI: 556QB)
50.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Lu Nan, A non-monotone line search algorithm for unconstrained optimization, Journal of Scientific Computing, 42(1) (JAN 2010): 38-53. (SCI: 536GZ)
51.Miao Xin-He, Huang Zheng-Hai,andHan Jiye, Some w-unique and w-P properties for linear transformations on Hilbert spaces, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 26(1) (JAN 2010): 23-32. (SCI: 530YG)
52.Liu Xiao-Hong and Huang Zheng-Hai, A smoothing Newton algorithm based on a one-parametric class of smoothing functions for linear programming over symmetric cones, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 70(2) (OCT 2009): 385-404. (SCI: 512WK)
53. Lu Nan, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Jiye Han, Properties of a class of nonlinear transformations over Euclidean Jordan algebras with applications to complementarity problems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 30(7-8) (SEP 2009): 799-821. (SCI: 500VF)
54.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Chen Jein-Shan, Properties of a family of generalized NCP-functions and a derivative free algorithm for complementarity problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 230(1) (AUG 2009): 69-82. (SCI: 461BA)
55.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Wang Ping, A nonmonotone smoothing Newton algorithm for solving nonlinear complementarity problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 24(3) (JUN 2009): 447-460. (SCI: 444IZ)
56.Huang Zheng-Hai, Hu Sheng-Long, and Han Jiye, Convergence of a smoothing algorithm for symmetric cone complementarity problems with a nonmonotone line search, Science in China (Series A), 52(4) (APR 2009): 833-848. (SCI: 432RY)
57.Huang Zheng-Hai, Zhang Yin, and Wu Wei, A smoothing-type algorithm for solving system of inequalities, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 220(1-2) (OCT 2008): 355-363. (SCI: 340HN)
58.Xu Dachuan and Huang Zheng-Hai, Robust solutions of uncertain complex-valued quadratically constrained programs, Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series, 24(8)(AUG 2008): 1279-1290. (SCI: 338UG)
59.Yin Hongxia, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Qi Liqun, The convergence of a Levenberg-Marquardt method for the $l_2$-norm solution of nonlinear inequalities, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 29(5-6) (May-Jun 2008): 687-716. (SCI: 316TK)
60.Huang Zheng-Hai and Gu Wei-Zhe, A smoothing-type algorithm for solving linear complementarity problems with strong convergence properties, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 57(1) (FEB 2008): 17-29. (SCI: 258DI)
61.Huang Zheng-Hai, Miao Xin-He, and Wang Ping, A revised cut-peak function method for box constrained continuous global optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 194 (1) (DEC 2007): 224-233. (SCI: 267FW)
62.Huang Zheng-Hai and Xu Shang-Wen, Convergence properties of a non-interior point smoothing-type algorithm for P_* NCP, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 3(3) (AUG 2007): 569-584. (SCI: 209UV)
63.Huang Zheng-Hai, Sun Defeng, and Zhao Gongyun, A smoothing Newton-type algorithm of stronger convergence for the quadratically constrained convex quadratic programming, Computational Optimization and Applications, 35 (2) (OCT 2006): 199-237. (SCI: 100SR)
64.Huang Zheng-Hai and Wang Hui, Smoothing-type algorithm for solving linear programs by an augmented complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 177 (1) (JUN 2006): 330-345. (SCI: 062HT)
65.Sun Jie and Huang Zheng-Hai, A smoothing Newton algorithm for the LCP with a sufficient matrix that terminates finitely at a maximally complementary solution, Optimization Methods and Software, 21(4) (AUG 2006): 597-615. (SCI: 056ZY)
66.Huang Zheng-Hai, The global linear and local quadratic convergence of a non-interior continuation algorithm for the LCP. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 25(4) (OTC 2005): 670-684. (SCI: 970AU)
67.Fang Shu-Cherng, Han Jiye, and Huang Zheng-Hai et al. On the finite termination of an entroy function based non-interior continuation algorithm for vertical linear complementarity problems. Journal of Global Optimization. 33(3) (NOV 2005): 369-391. (SCI: 984SP)
68.Huang Zheng-Hai and Sun Jie, A smoothing Newton algorithm for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. Journal of Industrial Management Optimization. 1(2) (MAY 2005): 153-170. (SCI: 088YU)
69.Huang Zheng-Hai. Global Lipschitzian error bounds for semidefinite complementarity problems with emphasis on the nonlinear complementarity problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 162(3) (MAR 2005): 1237-1258. (SCI: 895KL)
70.Zhang Liping, Han Jiye, and Huang Zheng-Hai. Superlinear /Quadratic one-step smoothing Newton method for P0–NCP. Acta Mathematica Sinica. 21(1) (JAN 2005): 117—128. (SCI: 906MB)
71.Huang Zheng-Hai, Locating a maximally complementary solution of the monotone NCP by using non-interior-point smoothing algorithms. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 61(1) (MAR 2005): 41-55. (SCI: 896DL)
72.Huang Zheng-Hai, Zhang Liping, and Han Jiye, A hybrid smoothing-nonsmooth Newton-type algorithm yielding an exact solution of the P0–LCP. Journal of Computational Mathematics. 22 (NOV 2004): 797-806. (SCI: 874KV; EI: 2004538754633)
73.Han Jiye, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Fang Shu-Cherng, Solvability of variational inequality problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 122 (SEP 2004): 501-520. (SCI: 856RF)
74.Huang Zheng-Hai, Qi Liqun, and Sun Defeng, Sub-quadratic convergence of a smoothing Newton algorithm for the P0 and monotone LCP, Mathematical Programming. 99 (APR 2004): 423-441. (SCI: 814RL)
75.Huang Zheng-Hai, Generalization of an existence theorem for variational inequalities. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 118(3) (SEP 2003): 567-585. (SCI: 746DV)
76.Xu Dachuan, Han Jiye, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Zhang Liping, Improved approximation algorithms for max-n/2-directed-bisection and max-n/2-dense-subgraph, Journal of Global Optimization. 27(4) (DEC 2003): 399-410. (SCI: 729WH)
77.Huang Zheng-Hai and Han Jiye, Non-interior continuation method for the monotone semidefinite complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 47(3) (MAY-JUN 2003): 195-211. (SCI: 685LH)
78.Huang Zheng-Hai, Han Jiye, and Chen Zhongwen, A preditor-corrector smoothing Newton method, based on a new smoothing function, for solving the NCP with a P0 function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 117(1) (APR 2003): 39-68. (SCI: 674WT)
79.Huang Zheng-Hai. Sufficient conditions on nonemptiness and boundedness of the solution set of the P0 function nonlinear complementarity problem, Operations Research Letters, 30(3) (JUN 2002): 202-210. (SCI: 579KY)
80.Huang Zheng-Hai, Han Jiye, Xu Dachuan, and Zhang Liping, The non-interior continuation methods for solving the P0 function nonlinear complementarity problem, Science in China, 44(9) (SEP 2001): 202-210. (SCI: 530TF)
81.Wang Zhemin, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Zhou Kunping. An asymptotical O((k+1)n3L) affine scaling algorithm for the P*(k)-matrix LCP, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 19(2) (MAR 2001): 177-186. (SCI: 413WJ)