1.Xin-He Miao, Jein-Shan Chen*, Chun-Hsu Ko, A neural network based on the generalized FB function for nonlinear convex programs with second-order cone constraints,Neurocomputing, 2016,203 :62-72.
2.Xin-He Miao, Yen-chi Roger Lin and Jein-Shan Chen* , An alternative approach for a distance inequality associated with the second-order cone and the circular cone, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2016, (2016):291.
3.Xin-He Miao, ShengjuanGuo, Nou Qi, Jein-Shan Chen*, Constructions of complementarity functions and merit functions for circular cone complementarity problem, Computational optimization and application, 2016, 63(2):495-522.
4.Xin-He Miao, Jein-Shan Chen*, Lipschitz Continuity of the Solution Mapping of Symmetric Cone Complementarity Problems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, (2016).
5.X-H Miao, J-S Chen*, From symmetric cone optimization to nonsymmetric cone optimization: Projections onto nonsymmetric cones, Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth RAMP Symposium, Niigata University, 2016.10, 25-34.
6.Xin-He Miao, Jiantao Yang, Shenglong Hu*, A generalized Newton method for absolute value equations associated with circular cones, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 269: 155-168.
7.Xin-He Miao, Jein-Shan Chen*, Characterizations of solution sets of cone-constrained convex programming problems, Optimization letters, 2015, 9(7): 1433-1445.
9.Xin-He Miao, Jein-Shan Chen*, Chun-Hsu Ko, A smoothed NR neural network for solving nonlinear convex programs with second-order cone constraints, Information Sciences, 2014, 268: 255-270.
10.Xin-He Miao, Jein-Shan Chen*, Error bounds for symmetric cone complementarity problems, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2013.
11.Xin-He Miao,Ying-Zhang*,Error bounds for inequality systems under the order induced by a symmetric cone, Pacific Journal of Optimization , 2012, 8(4): 755-763.
12.Xin-He Miao, Zheng-Hai Huang*, The column-sufficiency and row-sufficiency of the linear transformation on Hilbert spaces,Journal of Global Optimization, 2011, 49(1): 109-123.
13.Xin-He Miao, Jein-Shan Chen*, On the Lorentz cone complementarity problems in infinite-dimensional real Hilbert space, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 2011, 32(5): 507-523.
14.Xin-He Miao, Zheng-Hai Huang*, GUS-property for linear complementarity problems on Hilbert spaces, Science China Mathematics, 2011: 54(6): 1259-1268.
15.Xin-He Miao, Zheng-Hai Huang*, Jiye Han. Some w-unique and w-P properties for linear transformations on Hilbert spaces, ActaMathematicaApplicataeSinica, English Series, 2010, 26(1): 23-32.
16.Zheng-Hai Huang*, Xin-He Miao, Ping Wang. A revised cut-peak function method for box constrained continuous global optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 194: 224-233
17.Xin-He Miao, Jiling Cao, HongyunXiong*. Banach–Stone theorems and Riesz algebras, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2006, 313: 177-183.